Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Mockingbird Hill - 2004 Merlot

"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... until you climb into his skin and walk around in it."
- Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird

One of my favorite books growing up was To Kill A Mockingbird, and this bottle's name instantly made me think of it. Mockingbird Hill wines, a Napa Valley Vineyard, is an up and coming vineyard known primarily for their Cabernet Sauvignon and Chardonnay vintages. However, a new varietal to the vineyard is the 2004 Merlot.

This week's favorite: 2004 Mockingbird Hill Merlot
$16-18, specialty wine stores, on-line here

Not your typical Merlot. Like the quote, this wine doesn't taste like a Merlot until you let it breathe for a few minutes and sip it slowly. The first sip reminds you of a Pinot Noir, bold and dark, but instantly lightens to flavors you can't quite recognize. As you sip it, the cherry flavors of a typical Merlot begin to come through, intensifying with each sip. Afternotes of currant are a bonus in the extremely dry finish. With this bottle, its taste is an adventure in itself, so take the time to "walk around in it" to truly enjoy it.

This wine should be enjoyed with a simple steak, a New York Strip seasoned only with Garlic and black pepper, topped with some sauteed mushrooms. Serve with fresh green beans with almonds for a simple meal to compliment this complex wine.

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